Tuesday, Feb 11 2025
Pranams at the lotus feet of our beloved Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Sairam brothers and sisters.
Every year May 6th is celebrated as Easwaramma day to commemorate the anniversary of Easwaramma, the mother of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Mother Easwaramma left her mortal coil on May 6th 1972. The name Easwaramma means “the mother of Easwara”. This name was given to her by her father-in-law Kondamaraju. The name given to Easwaramma by her parents was Namagiriamma.
Easwaramma day is celebrated as children’s day in honor of her immense compassion and love for children. Easwaramma day is also celebrated to propagate the glory of motherhood.
Though Easwaramma did not have a formal education, she conducted herself in an exemplary manner. Easwaramma would tell everybody not to criticize others or hurt or make fun of others. Easwaramma would say if you talk to others in a harsh manner, it will come back to you as resound.
Mother Easwaramma had noble desires. She requested Swami to build a school, a hospital and provide drinking water to everyone in the village. Before Easwaramma passed away, Swami fulfilled all her three wishes.
Here’s how swami describes the last few hours before Easwaramma passed away. “The summer classes were on at Bangalore. In the morning at 7am breakfast were served to the students. They went around with Nagara Sankeerthan and returned at 6 am. I gave them Dharshan at its close. Then, I went for my bath. Meanwhile, Easwaramma had finished her bath; she drank her coffee as usual quite happily and took her seat on the inner verandah. All of a sudden proceeding to the bathroom, she cried out, “Swami, Swami, Swami,” thrice. At this, I responded. “coming coming” within that period she breathed her last.”
Even after about 37 years of her passing away, Swami says that Easwaramma continues to express her motherly concern in numerous ways. At times, Easwaramma makes appearances in Swami’s room. Swami says that there are many noble mothers in this world, but Easwaramma was the chosen one. “I chose her to be my mother. That is the intimate relationship between Mother Easwaramma and Myself “
Sis Apurva Srikanth
Group 2 |