Monday, Jan 13 2025
My humble pranams at the Divine Lotus Feet of Swami.
Sai Ram uncles, aunties, gurus, brothers and sisters. I am Bro Ashwat from Group 4. My topic for today is ‘Namasmarana”, the continuous chanting of the Lord’s Divine Name
You may ask “ How does Namasmarana benefit us?”. As students, it improves our concentration and helps us to concentrate on our work. It helps us to relax when we are stressed. I’m sure you are all aware of the high stress that we students have to face (pause and smile at audience).
Swami has said “Today there are many who do not attach any importance to Namasmarana. It is a great mistake. Singing the glory of the Lord is highly sacred. Today we are facing a lot of problems because people are not doing Namasmarana. Let each and every cell of your body be filled with Divine Name. Nothing else can give you the bliss, courage and strength that you derive from Namasmarana.” From this we should all realize the importance of chanting the Lord’s name whenever we can.
I would like to share with you a true and interesting story from the book ‘Tapovanam’. Moorthy, Sri Kasturi's son, was doing research in Geology. In that connection he had to tour forest areas in Assam. On one occasion when he was alone, a wild bear noticed him and began closing in on him. Moorthy fled for his life but the animal continued to chase him. As he ran over some rocks in his desperate flight to safety, he tripped and fell down but continued to cry loudly, "Baba, Baba." Within moments a motor truck appeared there from nowhere and Moorthy found safety by getting into it. After a few months, he happened to be in Prashanti Nilayam. Swami told him, "I received your phone call and dispatched a truck. Did it reach you in time?" This clearly shows that God is Omnipresent and will respond when we chant His Divine Name.
I would like to conclude with another quote from Swami. "Be he young or old, rich or poor, everybody has to do Namasmarana. Do Namasmarana with full mind and total dedication. Sing the glory of God wholeheartedly without any inhibition. Only then can you experience Divine bliss. Begin this sacred Namasmarana right from this moment.”
Let us follow Swami and make an effort to practice Namasmarana from this day onwards!
Jai Sai Ram
Bro Ashwat
SSEHV Group 4