Saturday, Jul 27 2024  


6th May 1972 was the day when Mother Easwaramma left her mortal coil. This day is dedicated to the memory of Easwaramma, the Chosen Mother by our beloved Swami, Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Swami's Message:
Swami emphasises the need to love and respect one's parents. He also explains how much Mother Easwaramma used to love Bhagawan and His Devotees when she was alive. He elaborates on the greatness of Motherhood and their influential role in shaping the lives of their children:

"Embodiments of Love!"

It is your foremost duty to love your mother. As soon as you wake up in the morning, the first thing you should do is to touch your mother's feet and offer your salutations. Such a noble practice will protect you always and bestow on you all types of wealth.
He is a true human being who loves his mother and becomes the recipient of his mother's love. One who cannot earn his mother's love is verily a demon. Hence, respect and revere your mother. Experience and enjoy your mother's love. Dedicate your life for the happiness of the mother. You may acquire any number of degrees; you may undertake any number of sacred activities; but all of them will prove futile if you do not please your mother. There is none superior to the mother in this world. The Veda has accorded the place of highest prominence to the mother when it declared, Matru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava, Acharya Devo Bhava, Atithi Devo Bhava (revere your mother, father, preceptor and guest as God). There may be a son in this world that does not love his mother, but there cannot be a mother who does not love her son. There may be differences of opinion between them, but the motherly love will never diminish."

"Students, Boys and Girls!"

You are going to be fathers and mothers in future. You will be loved and respected by your children only when you love and respect your parents now. You are bound to face the reaction, resound and reflection of your actions. When you respect your parents, there will be rich rewards for you in the future.

Today we are celebrating Easwaramma Day. I want to tell you an incident that speaks of her immense compassion and love for children. In those days, students from various States and countries attended Summer Classes. Gokak, who used to conduct the classes, was a strict disciplinarian. He was a man of great character and sacrifice. He was a great academician too. He was conducting the classes in an exemplary manner. One day, the students were having lunch in the dining hall. One of the boys got up and went outside before others could finish their meals. Gokak, who watched this through the window, called him and chided him for his act of indiscipline. "When your fellow students are having their food, you should not get up in the middle even though you have completed your meals. It amounts to insulting them." Saying so, Gokak suspended him from the classes. The boy was in tears, but Gokak was not moved. The boy came to Mother Easwaramma's room, fell at her feet and started crying. He told her about the harsh punishment meted out to him by Gokak. He pleaded with her to come to his rescue. Easwaramma consoled him and sent him away. She was sitting on the steps where Gokak would pass by. After a while Gokak came there. She offered her Namaskar to him and he reciprocated the same most reverentially. Then she said, "When I did Namaskar to you, you reciprocated the same. In the same manner, if you punish others, you will be punished in return. The boy out of his innocence has done a mistake. Please forgive him and allow him to attend the classes." Then Gokak replied, "Mother, if I forgive him, it would set a bad precedent for others. Anyway, I will forgive him only for your sake." In this manner, she would go out of her way to help and provide comfort and solace to others.

Many students do not pay heed to the words of their mother. It is a grave mistake. Mothers speak from their heart wishing the welfare of their children. You should understand their feelings and give due respect to their words."

"Embodiments of Love! Boys and Girls"

Obey the commands of your parents. You will certainly be blessed with all types of education and strength. You do not need to make any special efforts to acquire them. Discharge your duty sincerely. Never disregard the words of your parents. Follow them with love and sanctify your life. Wishing that you give happiness to your parents and thereby set an ideal to your children."

How is the festival celebrated in India:
Every year since then, the day is observed as Easwaramma Day by the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations. It is celebrated as the culmination of a week long Festival of Children at Puttaparthi, and all over the world.
This day is marked by charity to the poor, with Bhagawan distributing food, clothes and blankets to the weaker sections of the society.

How is the festival celebrated in Singapore:
It is celebrated on a national level and attended by all the Sai Centres in Singapore. The half day programme would usually consist of performances put up by the SSEHV students from a few of the Centres. Dramas, songs, dance and recitation of poems in praise of mother would be put up, in addition to bhajans by the children.

Jai Sai Ram

Sis Sukanyaa
SSEHV Group 3


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