Saturday, Feb 22 2025
Objectives and Focus Areas for Katong Parents Support Group
KPSG will focus on "value adding and supporting" the SSE programme. Some of the key focus areas where KPSG will be playing a role are as follows:-
- Weekly Parents Study Circles
This is a simple satsang to create awareness amongst parents on Swami's teachings. It is currently being conducted with the help of some parents of our SSE students. We would like to see more parents coming forward to share their experiences during this study circle.
- General Admin Support
We would like to off-load some of the routine and non-core teaching duties from the gurus so that they can concentrate on teaching the children. This will also help parents to participate and be part of the SSE programme indirectly.
- Participation in Monthly Combined Session
This session which is held once monthly provides a platform to showcase the talent amongst our SSE children. We encourage parents to be present in full force to support the children and cheer them on during their performances. We also would like to see parents involve in helping out during these monthly combine sessions.
- Parents Feedback
This avenue is important to get feedback on how the programmes undertaken by the centre are benefiting the devotees and to seek areas where we can re-address things to be done in a better way. We seek parents who will take charge and implement the feedback survey on regular basis and to ensure questions in the feedback forms are relevant and pertaining to the centers activities.
- Sai Link Newsletter
This monthly newsletter is for the whole family and will include articles and reports (on combined sessions or events) written by the children and parents. This is yet another avenue to reach out to parents in promoting and propagating Swami's messages from his discourses.
- Organize Workshops /Enrichment Sessions
We would endeavor to conduct various seminars and workshops for parents, children and gurus by inviting various speakers. Objective here is to provide additional help and techniques to the participants besides what is being discussed in the SSE classes. Workshop objective is to value add and topics covered should be relevant to the centers objectives. Example, public speaking sessions, visit to Buddhist Exhibition etc) on a quarterly basis.
- Improve Parents Participation & Attendance for Centre Events & Activities
The KPSG will encourage all parents to attend the center's monthly activities. Help publicize SAI Family Day (July) and Spiritual Retreat (Feb) to parents. Encourage as many parents and to actively support all the programmes of the centre.
- Parents Dramas/Choir
Encourage parents to take part in various plays staged by KPSG to help convey pertinent messages from Swami's teachings to the children. In addition, to participating in plays there is also the choir group that parents can take part in.
For participating in any activities contact
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