Friday, Jan 31 2025
Our humble Pranams at the Divine Lotus Feet of Swami
Sai Ram Uncles, Aunties, Brothers & Sisters. I am Sis Anagha from Group 4 and my topic for today is 'Our Beloved Swami'.
We are extremely fortunate to have had Swami, the Avatar of this Kali yuga, with us for 78 years. Many of us certainly do realize that He will be with us in His Physical form for another 18 years only.
This year in particular has been very testing for all of his followers. We know that Swami has taken a fall and subsequently had to undergo major surgery. Even now, doctors have advised Swami to give His Physical form maximum rest. We do not know if Swami has taken on the suffering of His followers on this occasion, But we do know that many times in the past he has taken onn the suffering of his devotees to protect them.
Swami says that for those who have no refuge, He is the refuge. For those who have total faith in Him and surrender at His Lotus feet, He will always be there with them. This is why Swami has many a times taken on the illnesses of his devotees. Let me share with you a few examples.
In 1963 from 29 th June to 6 th July, Swami's physical form had an attack of cerebral thrombosis and was paralyzed in bed for 8 days. Many people in Prashanti Nilayam were taken aback and saddened by the event. Swami then healed Himself on Guru Poornima Day.
Yet another such incident was on 11 th January 1999 at Puttaparthi when Swami averted severe injuries to a student during the Annual Sports Meet and took the injuries on Himself. Swami eventually did heal Himself.
Brothers and sisters, from these instances above we have learnt two important lessons Firstly, Swami says that His dharma is "Bhaktarakshna", His intrinsic nature is to help and protect His devotees and that is part of the task for which He has come.
The second lesson is for all of us. We must realize that we must send Love to Swami and pray to Him and ask Him to heal His Physical form.
We should take such incidents as an opportunity to reflect on the countless times that Swami has come to our aid and we should be grateful for his Love and Grace. Swami is our guiding light in times of Darkness.
I would like to end with one of Swami's quotes " Swami says that God's ears are always on the alert to listen to the cry of his children. When the anguish of a devotee's heart is expressed as a cry or a groan or a sigh, the Lord is as far as that sound can reach; He rushes to the rescue."
Om Sai Ram
Sis Anagha
SSEHV Group 4