Friday, Mar 14 2025
Good Friday - 02 Apr 2012
Every year, many Christians and Catholics commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. Across the world, offering prayers and reading out Good Friday sermons in the churches commemorates Jesuss arrest, trial, crucifixion and death at Calvary. This day is not considered as a day of celebration but rather a day to lament Christs death.
Good Friday is part of the Holy Week, comprising of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. This year, Good Friday was on the 6th of April 2012.
Many always wonder, Why is it called Good Friday when it was the day Jesus died? The excruciatingly painful death on a wooden cross seems to symbolize despair and suffering instead. The answer to all of the questions is simple mourning Jesuss death would just be a mockery of Jesuss exceptional life and universal message.
Jesus used to emphasize that while external forces and factors often troubled us, the root cause of misery and sorrow lay within each of us. In claiming autonomy from our Creator, we have ended up becoming disconnected within ourselves and with each other.
God became a human being so that he could pay a price for our sins by putting himself through a painful and cruel death. Human beings will eternally be separated from God unless there is a substitute. Jesus was Gods perfect substitute who bore the weight of the sinful human race. Jesus had become the bridge between humans and God.
Some of you might be wondering as to how a 9-year-old boy would know so much about Good Friday! It wasnt very difficult once I found the link to my daily life. Jesus loved everyone so much that he laid his life for us. Similarly, we are willing to do anything for the ones we love; no matter how much they hurt us. In our lives, our parents are willing to do anything for us, even when we do not listen to them. They will buy us whatever we want even when we have erred. The undying love our parents have for us is parallel to the undying love that Jesus Christ had for the entire human race. We do not appreciate what we have until it is gone. Jesuss followers did not realize his importance until he died and rose. Let us learn to love our fellowmen and appreciate all good things in life.
Bro Ronit
Group 2 |