Friday, Mar 14 2025
My humble pranams at the Lotus
Feet of Swami.
Sai Ram, Gurus, Uncles, Aunties, Brothers and Sisters,
I am Sukanyaa Suresh from Group 3 and I am here to share
my views on Swami's Telugu New Year Speech This year.
there is confidence, there is love,
Where there is love, there is peace,
Where there is peace, there is truth,
Where there is truth, there is God,
Where there is God, there is bliss.
If we question where God is, some people say He is
present in their heart. Swamy says, "It is not
a proper answer". Why? When we say the kerchief
is in our hand, we are bigger than the kerchief. Likewise,
when we say God is with in us, means we are superior
to God! Hence, it is not proper to say that God is in
us. The truth is, we are God. Everything is in us.
We are in another year now. We celebrated our new year
with festivity & gaiety. But our enthusiasm and
happiness were for a while only. Swami says, "It
is not the way to celebrate New Year. Your happiness
should remain forever. It should be everlasting and
not the one like passing clouds".
When we emerged from mother's womb we had no jewels
of pearls, no glittering gold ornaments, no studded
chains and no fabrics. At the time of birth our heart
is pure and we are full of bliss. We should retain such
purity of heart for the rest of our life and enjoy everlasting
Bliss is man's true nature. Hence, he should always
have a cheerful countenance. In spite of being endowed
with such sacred bliss, why should man give room to
wickedness and misery? This is contrary to human nature.
Consider everyone as the embodiment of divinity. Whomsoever
we salute or ridicule, they will reach God. Offer your
respects to everybody.
We should share our love with one and all. Never hate
anybody. The hatred in us will come back to us as reflection
and put us to suffering. Let us love all. Let there
not be even a trace of hatred in us. We should join
hands with our fellowmen in a spirit of tolerance and
love. Let us experience love and share it with others.
This is the most important message of this New Year,
Subhanu from Swami.
May all of us lead a blissful life in this New Year!
May we fill our life with love! May we develop unity
and friendship! True bliss lies in unity and God is
the embodiment of bliss.
Jai Sai Ram
Sis Sukanyaa
SSEHV Group 3