Friday, Mar 14 2025
My Humble Pranams at the Lotus Feet of our Dearest Mother Sai.
Sai Ram Uncles, Aunties, Gurus, Brothers, and Sisters. My name is Jasmine and I am from Group 2 moving to Group 3 this year.
My topic for today is ”My Goals for the New Year”. Shocking as it sounds, I don't believe in New Year resolutions! I believe in New Year transformations instead.
2004 was a very interesting year for me. I experienced many different things ranging from participating in the National Day Parade 2004 to getting good results in my streaming examinations. I was also very fortunate to participate in many of the Sai activities.
Swami has a wonderful way with words. He speaks about “IT” which technically speaking stands for “Information Technology” but instead Swami says “IT” stands for “Inner Transformation”.
I hope to make this year, 2005, a wonderful and fruitful one by monitoring and transforming myself with Swami’s teachings. For example, at home, I plan to be more helpful by doing more chores to help my family. In school, I plan to help my teacher by carrying out tasks for her like helping to carry books to the staff room. I hope these acts will make me a better person.
Swami also says “Time Waste is Life Waste”. This quote has made a great impact on me. It has taught me not to be lazy but instead has encouraged me to do any kind of work as fast and accurately as possible with quality.
My New Year transformation is to be more involved in centre activities such as going for the monthly temple cleaning seva. I will also try to participate in the Moral Home seva where I can help share some happiness with other children.
My parents always advise me to do whatever seva that comes my way as a blessing from God, be it something really small or big. It doesn’t matter since it is the love in our hearts that is most important to Swami.
In conclusion, I would like to share one of Swami’s quotes with you, ”Body is like a flashlight, Eye is like the bulb, Mind is the battery cell, Intelligence is the switch. Only when the four work together do you get the Light”. I hope I will be able to put all these parts to work together.
With Swami’s Blessings, I hope all of us have a wonderful and happy year ahead of us. Loka Samasta Sukhino Bavantu.
Jai Sai Ram
Sis Jasmine
SSEHV Group 3