Friday, Mar 14 2025
My Swami and I - 06 OCT 2014
I am lucky as Swami was in our home by the time I was born. I always had Swami with me wherever I went. When I was learning how to walk, I would hold my hand like this (holding the fist). My mother would think that I was doing it to balance myself. Later, when I learned how to walk, I still held my hand in my fist. My mum asked me why I was still holding my hand in a fist as I already learnt how to walk. I then said, “Amma, I am holding Swami’s hand” That just gave her a happiness and she knew that I was in Swami’s path. I used to take Swami everywhere I went. While going to Play School, I would always hold Swami’s hand. I used to leave Swami’s hand inside my Classroom and tell Swami to have a good day and be a good Boy. Again on the way back, I would hold Swami’s hand and come back.
When I was 2 years old,During one of our Family holiday to US, my sister and I were packing our swimsuits. I said, Swami, you too pack your Swimsuit. My sister said No to the idea. She said, if Swami is swimming in different direction from us and if we get into trouble, He may not watch us. So, Wanted Him to sit and watch us instead of swimming with us. From small, I knew Swami is watching us always and He will take care of us.
As I am growing, I see Swami as my imaginary elder brother, Eshwar! I talk to my brother Eshwar at all times and share my feelings and concerns. I was in Sibu 2 weeks ago on School trip. This is the first time I went alone without my family. I felt homesick. I held on to Swami during my trip and I came back happily.
I call for Swami whenever I feel worried about anything. I have all the faith that Swami is here with all of us, taking care of us. I end my talk by saying Swami, I belong to you. Please keep me with you at all times.
Thank You and Jai Sai Ram
Sis Sai
Group 2 |