Friday, Mar 14 2025
of good company - 14 June 2004
My humble pranams at the Divine Lotus Feet of Swami.
Sai Ram uncles, aunties, brothers and sisters. I am
Bro Sherwin from Group 4. My topic for today is ‘The
Importance of Good Company”.
It is important to have a good group of friends as
it will affect our behaviour and character. When we
mix with bad company like with those who smoke or fight,
we will also be influenced negatively by their actions.
It will cause us to start picking up the same bad habits
and affect our character.
However, if we mix with good company, we will automatically
be influenced positively. For example, if I mix with
friends who study hard and have good behaviour in general,
it will encourage me to become more hardworking. I am
convinced this will please Swami as well as my parents.
Swami has said “Tell me your company and I will
tell you who you are”. I believe Swami is very
clearly telling us that we will become like our friends
and therefore it is very important to be with good company
and make an effort to avoid bad company.
Swami also says that we must have ‘Satsang’.
‘Satsang’ means ‘being in the company
of the good’. This will certainly help us develop
our character. I am very fortunate as I am an EHV student
and this brings me to good company automatically. It
also allows me to participate in bhajans and seva activities
Let us all make an effort to spend more time in Sai
activities as this will ensure that we spend more time
in the company of the good.
Thank you.
Jai Sai Ram
Bro Sherwin
Group 4