Friday, Mar 14 2025
My humble pranams at the Lotus
Feet of Swami.
Sai ram Uncles, Aunties, Brothers and Sisters.
It’s good to be back once again. I had a wonderful
time in Glasgow and there are many things I would like
to say and share, but I’ll try within 5 minutes.
The first thing I realized was how universal and common
the Sai family is. I felt instant gratification the
moment I met devotees there. We hardly required an introduction-
it’s like we knew each other for a long time.
But I also realized Swami has a grand plan for everyone,
and I wasn’t any exception. I was there and not
anywhere else, because I had to do His work, and I would
meet the right people all the time to make it happen.
There is only one centre in Glasgow, about 30-40 people,
very close knit and united with the rest of the Centres
in Scotland. We do what all Sai Centres around the world
do, but there has to be special mention for the youth,
because they are very very active there, not only in
spiritual activities, but religious as well. For example,
we have fortnightly Hinduism sessions, where we learn
not only the basics of Hinduism, but also about advanced
concepts. These sessions are open ended with active
participation and discussion. I really learnt a lot
and perhaps we can consider something similar for ourselves
here too.
So what was the Scotland experience about? It was about
i) enquiry
ii) lessons
iii) realization
Frankly, Scotland and Singapore live on different
sets of value systems. But Man reaches God eventually,
whether he follows the materialistic, non-ideal life
or the spiritual one. With the spiritual path, it is
faster and direct. But even this is not in our hands,
because the Karma of past births dictates our current
circumstances. So then one would argue, why do we need
to worry? True, we need not worry, but we need to enquire
and consistently ask the question ‘why’.
We often tend to slip into worry rather than enquiry.
There is a lot of difference, because enquiry leads
to positive solutions. It is also not enough to sit
down at do nothing and leave it to Fate. If so, we would
just be like plants, breathing but not living.
There is a concept in Hinduism- Nama Rupa Prapanjam,
which means Name, Form and Networking. We all have a
body, which is our Form, and we have a Name, which becomes
our identity. But what use is the name and form if it
knows only itself. Therefore, we constantly need to
network, to share, and learn about ourselves.
What kind of lessons are in store? The Sai Centre in
Glasgow is slightly different compared to the way we
do things here. For example, we have the talks and announcements
after bhajans. Silence is not observed after bhajans.
There are a lot more things which I found very different,
and to an extent unacceptable. But I have learnt spirituality
can be experienced differently in different placed by
different people. It needs to adapt and evolve amongst
us naturally. The culture and history of each place
is different and must be respected. I could not even
if I wished, have tried to change things at the centre
overnight, IF I sincerely believed that I was doing
the right thing that is. To put it simply, where there
is Love, there is God.
And finally, how do we know we are doing the right
thing? Or whether we ought to do the right thing? Well,
if you have the Centre’s benefit in mind and not
your own personal gain, then all you need to do is to
surrender to God, even if for a split second, and leave
the result in His hands. But you need to believe that
you will be guided. You can have doubts about anything
in the world, but never doubt that you will be guided
if you do His work with complete surrender. This is
the ultimate realization.
Let me close with a quote from Swami
“There is only one God,
He is Omnipresent
There is only one race, the race of Mankind
There is only one religion, the religion of Love
There is only one language, the language of the Heart”
Jai Sai Ram
Bro Parag
Young Adult
(Currently in Scotland)