Friday, Mar 14 2025
Human values and elements of nature - 15 Aug 2014
Truth, righteousness, peace, love and non-violence are the five values.
There are also 5 elements of nature, namely, space, air, fire, water and earth.
There is a deep interconnection between the 5 elements of nature and the five human values, which in turn are connected to the 5 sense organs.
Space |
Air |
Fire |
Water |
Earth |
Love |
Truth |
Right Conduct |
Peace |
Non-violence |
Ears |
Skin |
Eyes |
Tongue |
Nose |
Sound |
Touch |
Sight |
Taste |
Smell |
The first sound heard was ‘OM’ or ‘pranava’. That’s why it has the power to connect us to the highest source. It’s connected to the sky or akash or space. It is all pervading and connected to supreme love. Love is the most powerful weapon and exists everywhere. We just need to tap onto this universal love and feel the strength.
Love is incomplete without truth; which is connected to air. In this time of great discord, when untruth is in the air and false pride, false praise and false friends are rampant, the only truth is God.
We always feel peaceful when we are near water bodies like lakes, river, sea and ocean…it is said to calm us down and clear all the negativity in the surrounding environment. Water is thus associated with peace and taste.
When we are firmly grounded, we always show maturity in our behaviour. Non-violence follows peace and thus, associated with the earth.
Fire was the first visible thing and it is connected to the eyes and form. It is associated with right conduct, as the creation lies in our vision. Once our vision is pure, our thinking and conduct will always be right and towards dharma. The fire represents purity as it can burn every impurity.
Here is an interesting story from the life of a great soul, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.
There is an interesting anecdote to illustrate how he would never preach anything before practising it. One day, an old lady came to Ramakrishna Paramahamsa with her ten-year-old grandson. She prostrated before him and said: "Master! I have come to seek your advice. This boy is my grandson. He lost his father and mother when he was just a child of five. I have been taking care of him. He is very fond of sweets. He eats so much that his health is deteriorating day by day. The doctors have advised him not to eat sweets but this fellow does not pay any heed to their advice. However, he has great respect and admiration for you. So I have come to request you to stop the boy from eating sweets. I am sure, you alone can do this". Ramakrishna said, "Mother, don't worry, come with your grandson after a month. In the meanwhile I shall think of a plan to convince the boy that one's health is very important, more important even than wealth". The old woman thanked him and took leave of him.
She came with her grandson exactly after a month. Both of them paid their salutations to the master. Ramakrishna made the boy sit beside him and said: "My dear boy! Remember, one's real wealth is health. Unless you take proper care of your health, you will not be able to grow into a strong and healthy young man. You will not be able to do anything great in life if you are weak. When something that we eat does not suit our constitution, we should give up eating that item. From tomorrow, you should not eat sweets. After some time, you may eat moderately. You are a nice boy and will listen to me, will you not?" The boy nodded his head and promised that he would not eat sweets. The old woman sent the boy on some errand just to have a confidential talk with the master. "Master, may I ask you a question?" said the old woman. "Certainly mother", replied Ramakrishna. "Master, this advice that you have given today to my grandson, could have been given last month itself. Why did you ask me to come again after a month? I don't understand." Ramakrishna replied with an understanding smile, "Mother! I myself eat lot of sweets. How can I advise the boy to do something that I am not doing myself? One has no right to preach anything to others before practising it himself. So I asked for some time. This one month I did not eat sweets. So I have earned the right to advise your grandson." The old woman marvelled at the righteous conduct of Ramakrishna. She fell at his feet and took leave of him.
In conclusion, great souls and gurus ascend on earth from time to time to teach us good values. Once we put them into practice, we are automatically able to use our sense organs to the best of our abilities and we become worthy of the Lord’s love.
Thank You and Jai Sai Ram
Bro Sulekh
Group 4 |