Friday, Mar 14 2025
My humble pranams at the Lotus Feet of our Divine Sai. Sai ram uncles, aunties, brothers and sisters. I am Sister Bindhya from Group 4 and today I’m here to share with you on our love for God.
What is love for God? It is bliss. It is union with God. True love is loving God wholeheartedly. People may come and go but God is always present. He is Omnipresent! But how many of us here tend to dismiss the fact that God is always with us and only call out His name when we are facing difficulties and are in need of his help? Why do we tend to forget God during happier times?
And yet, when God does not come to our immediate rescue when we call out to Him, we blame Him. Unable to understand the truth, we blame God for our suffering. But God does not cause suffering to any living being in His creation. All sorrows and difficulties are of our own makings. Just take the tsunami for example that occurred in 2004, that caused untold misery and suffering to a large number of people. Swami Himself said in His discourse that He gave on the 14th of January last year, it is only man’s evil deeds that are responsible for such a calamity.
We should accept difficulties and sorrows as part of our life. Quoting from the same discourse Swami said, ”Happiness will not have any value without sorrow. Man cannot experience happiness without undergoing some difficulty or the other. Both happiness and sorrow are interlinked. One cannot exist without the other.” So Swami has already told us that unhappiness is inevitable. It is no use holding your hands to your head and asking God why we have to go through so much pain. But we do have the power to reduce the pain and suffering which in turn reduces the negativity in this world? This is the very same negativity that causes natural disasters such as the hurricanes, earthquakes and the floods that snatch so many innocent lives away.
There is a simple solution to this. Love for God. Attaining bliss with God. Unity with God. But in the hustle and bustle of our lives, many of us think that it is beyond our capabilities. Tempted by worldly pleasures such as money and our never ending desires, how can one still unite with God? Sai has said, ”We are all full of love. In fact, our hearts are overflowing with love. But we prevent our love from flowing in its natural course. Otherwise, love has no boundaries at all!”
Unfortunately, today we are losing our divine quality of happiness due to excessive desires. We can be happy when we get rid of our desires. Take a white cloth for example. Whiteness is its nature but it will become dirty when it is exposed to dirt. Similarly, our heart is always pure, bright and blissful. But it gets polluted due to excessive desires. Therefore we should cultivate love and keep our hearts always pure.
Jai Sai Ram
Sis Bindhya
SSEHV Group 4 |