Friday, Mar 14 2025
Sai Ram. My topic for today is "What present do we give Swami for His 78 th birthday?" 6 days from today we will all be celebrating Swami's birthday. So, has anyone here wondered what present would make Swami happy? Normally, when somebody celebrates their birthday, they would crave for material objects (i.e. new hand phone, computer, money, etc). But, is this what Swami wants from us??
This is where we have to ask ourselves what is Swami's mission. He has said so many times that He has come here to make us realize our true self, our soul, so that we can reunite with Him and always be in a state of bliss. In order for that to happen, we have to reflect on ourselves all the time and ask ourselves how can we improve ourselves further. One suggestion given by Swami is to remove one bad point and replace it with a good point. For example, it is only when we create space in our luggage by removing an item can we have more space to add in a new item. In the same way, we must remove one bad habit in ourselves before we can replace it with a good one. We may not have saved the world but we would have taken one small step towards fulfilling Swami's mission. I'm sure Swami will be happy with that!
Now, if we're not satisfied with just taking a small step, what else can we give Swami? This special gift is none other than LOVE since "God is Love" and "Love is God". Swami has said that it is only HIS pure and unsullied love for all that attracts all the people to Him. HIS heart is like a powerful magnet. Because of the power of love in that magnet, HE is attracting all of us through His motherly love. We are like iron filings that are attracted to HIM. For us to be attracted to HIM, we must ensure that our hearts are free from rust and dust. We will be attracted to Swami's love only if we cleanse our hearts. We can remove whatever rust and dust is accumulated in our hearts by rubbing and polishing it with love. Everyone has to purify their heart with love and that love must be totally selfless. When you cultivate such selfless love, you can attract the whole world. BABA is the embodiment of bliss ( Anandaswarupa ). We should take bliss ( Ananda ) from HIM, dwell on that bliss, and be full of peace ( Shanti ). BABA has said, "My life is My message". When we practice this principle, we can also attain the Divinity. Swami's Love is HIS real treasure. Therefore, let this be a lesson for us. Let us all lead a life full of love.
As Swami says "Be always happy, strive for national welfare, and aspire for the well being of all nations. May everyone be happy and peaceful - Loka Samastha Sukhino Bavantu. Only then will you attain bliss. Those who love Bhagawan wholeheartedly, to them He belongs wholly. All that Bhagawan asks of you is your wholehearted unconditional love. Recognize this truth and lead your life filled with love. Do not hate anybody. Hating anybody is no different from hating God Himself. Surrender your whole being and belongings to God. Experience unalloyed Divine bliss."
I hope that we all do our best to give Swami the birthday gift that He would be happy with.
Jai Sai Ram
Bro Prashanth
SSEHV Group 3