Friday, Mar 14 2025
Desire Less, Help More! - 18 Mar 2013
There are 2 inherent parts to the topic. The first part is 'Desire Less'. It means 'Ceiling on Desires'.
There are 4 components in the term "Ceiling on Desires." They are:
1. Curb on excessive talk
2. Excessive desires and expenditure
3. Control of consumption of food
4. Check Energy Wastage
Man needs some essentials for his sustenance and one should not aspire for more. We can learn a lesson in this respect from Nature. - Only if air is available in sufficient quantity will it be comfortable and good. If it is excessive, for instance, if there is a gale, one will feel uncomfortable.
When we are thirsty, we can consume only a limited amount of water. We can't consume the entire water of the Ganga! Similarly, we should take only what the body needs to sustain.
Doctors know that the body temperature is normally 37oC. If this goes up to 37.7oC or more, they say that fever has set in due to some disorder in the body. Changes in the pulse rate or blood pressure also indicate disorder. So, we can find that if we cross the limits even to a little extent, it is dangerous or harmful to the body. There is a limit for everything to function in a normal way.
When our eyes happen to see a flash of lightning or a flash light while taking photographs, they automatically close because they cannot withstand such high illumination. This proves that there are limitations even to our physical well being.
Similarly our desires too, should be limited. Misuse of money is a great evil. As such, we will have to do our own bit in controlling the expenditure on unwanted and unnecessary things. Money is Dhaivaswaroopam (embodiment of Divinity). When we talk of wealth, we should be careful to avoid greed and extravagant expenditure. Even in the preparation of food, we should be careful in avoiding wastage. We are only doing a disservice by consuming more food than what is necessary for the body.
Then the Sea God, Samudra, appeared before the sage with folded hands and said very humbly, "Oh! Great sage! I am not at fault: Do not blame me and call me arrogant. I am not so. I cannot afford to have a single, simple blemish, not even a blade of grass in me. So my waves pushed it away to the shore and not out of any hatred or enmity". This is what 'fight to the end' means.
Thirdly, one should be careful about 'time', which is the yardstick of life. We should not waste this most valuable 'time'. Time lost in wasteful pursuits cannot be got back by any means. All our activities should be planned for utilising the available time to maximum advantage.
So, we should not waste food, money, time or energy. Even in purchase of garlands, we need not waste money. What God wants is the flower of our heart that is filled with humility and devotion. Eight types of flowers that can be offered to God, and these include -
Ahimsa (Non-violence),
Indhriya Nigraha (Control of senses),
Sarvabhootha Dhaya (Compassion towards all beings),
Sathyam (Truth),
Dhyaanam (Meditation),
Shaanthi (Peace),
Vinaya (Humility), and
Bhakthi (Devotion).
The second part of the talk, 'Help More' refers to Seva. Our Beloved Swami has said, 'Service brings you nearer to Me; the flower that is your heart gets fragrance by means of the Service you do, and so it becomes more acceptable to Me. Love is the essence of that fragrance.' Here is a personal experience on Seva.
Through the Centre, Swami has given me the opportunity to take part in three types of Seva:
1. Sunlove Home Seva
This seva takes place on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Here, we visit patients who are intellectually slow. We go there as a group, sing songs and bhajans to entertain them and serve them food. Volunteers would also sing Christmas carols on Christmas Day and bring cheer to all. On other days, the youth occasionally would enact a short drama. We distribute food, chocolates, cakes and biscuits to all the members there.
2. Tembusu Home food-packing Seva
On the first Saturday of every month, we, the Group 4 brothers and gurus, pack food items such as rice, crackers, Milo, noodles, oil, etc into bags. Then we transfer these bags from the second floor to the first floor and split them into batches for delivery.
3. Tembusu Senior Activity Centre seva
During this seva, we, the Group 4 brothers, play games with the elderly and also serve them food. Seeing the elderly people with a smile across their faces, makes us happy too.
By doing Seva, I feel happy, calm and humbled and look forward to the next opportunity, eagerly. I also have a sense of self-satisfaction that I am trying my best to follow Swami's teachings.
Participating in the Seva, has made me appreciate the small things in life, which I normally take for granted. It also taught me to work as a team to get things done efficiently. By doing service, we humble ourselves.
All acts of service should be regarded as an offering to God, and every opportunity to serve should be welcomed as a gift from God. Service must be done with reverence, humility and a sense of responsibility.
So, "Desire Less, Help More" gives us fulfillment and contentment by controlling our senses and serving in little ways possible.
Bro.Naveen Kuppan
Group 4 |