Friday, Mar 14 2025
My humble pranams at the Lotus
Feet of Swami. “The avathar behaves
in a human way so that mankind can feel kinship, but
he rises to super human heights so that mankind can
aspire to those heights”
Sai Ram Brothers and Sisters
Today, I would like to share with all of you, the significance
of Krishna Jayanthi. Krishna Jayanthi is the celebration
of Lord Krishna’s birth and will be celebrated
on 20th of August 03.
On this day, Sweets and other savories are specially
offered to Lord Krishna. Eatables loved by Lord Krishna
such as those of milk and curds, mukkur are prepared
and I am sure seeing his devotees finding happiness
in preparing food for him, makes our Lord Krishna very
But what would make him happier is for his devotees
to live and practice the important lessons behind his
birth and life. Thus let me share with you the story
of the divine drama that the Lord played prior to his
King Kansa was a tyrannical monarch. He had a beautiful
sister name Devaki. On the wedding day of Devaki, King
Kansa heard a voice from the dark clouds telling him
that the eighth child of Devaki will kill him. King
Kansa was very angry and was about to kill Devaki. Vasudeva,
the husband of Devaki, then intervened and pleaded to
King Kansa not to kill his wife. He told Kansa that
his life will be in danger only due to Devaki’s
child but not Devaki herself.. Therefore he pleaded
to Kansa to spare Devaki and promised Kansa that he
will hand him all the babies that would be born to Devaki.
On the birth of the 1st child Vasudeva handed the baby
over to Kansa. Kansa killed the baby and imprisoned
the couple. When the eighth child was about to be born,
Vasudeva and Devaki were living in tremendous fear.
It was then that Lord Krishna came in their dream and
told them to bring the baby who was none other than
Lord Krishna himself to Nanda, a friend of Vasudeva.
He asked Vasudeva to pass the divine baby to Nanda and
in exchange to take Nanda’s new born daughter.
With that scene, the dream ended.
When Vasudeva and Devaki woke up they saw a beautiful
baby. With Divine Grace, Vasudeva was able to break
the chain on his legs and push open the locked metal
doors. He then proceeded to Nanda’s residence
in Gokula and exchanged the babies. Early in the morning,
all the people at Gokula came to know that a beautiful
male child, a prince had been born the previous night
at midnight to Nanda’s wife, Yasoda and their
simple hearts were filled with unbounded joy.
Thus from birth itself, Lord Krishna brought joy to
all. But how did this baby born in a prison bring so
much joy?. What were his possessions? Nothing. Did he
own any expensive material possessions? No! He didn’t.
But still he became the greatest figure in all the 3
worlds. What does this show? Worldly possessions are
not the secret of greatness. Instead, Krishna’s
greatness consisted in his permanent state of bliss
Thus let us follow our Lord Krishna’s example
of bliss and :
“ Be Happy, Make others Happy, God will be Happy”
Jai Sai Ram
Bro Stanley
Young Adult