Friday, Jan 31 2025
Love All Serve All - 20 AUG 2012
Swami has said 'There is only one religion - the Religion of Love.' We are so fortunate to be in Swami's fold and have been able to learn everything he has thought us. 'Love all Serve all' is such a simple phrase but hidden is such a deep meaning. What does love all serve all actually mean and how do we go about with it?
First of all, let us try to understand the "Love all" part of this phrase. Swami tells us to love everyone as everyone has God residing in them. In today's world, it is extremely easy to criticize and point faults in others but how hard is it to actually change our mindset and try to find the good qualities that are in others. We should all try to stop pinpointing others and concentrate on our own faults, and then only will we be able to find God in others. By changing ourselves and the way we think first, we are taking a step closer to Swami and slowly with time we will start loving others. "Love is the word of Sai, the path of Sai".
Now, let me focus upon the "Serve all" part of the phrase. Equally with loving others is serving others as well. Another quote of Swami's is "Service to man is Service to God". It is so simple that by serving man we are getting this golden opportunity to serve God. What easier way to earn God's love than to do seva. We have been given this body to perform our duties. Do as much seva as possible as it is the best way to earn God's love. Swami has also said "Love all serve all", "Your entire life will be sanctified thereby". Without realizing it, our hearts will become bigger and we feel a satisfaction within ourselves, slowly this will include more and more people making us only feel happier. By starting out with small steps we will be able to reach our goals and make Swami happy. As a Sai devotee, let us try our best to attend Sunlove home seva every month and serve as much as we possibly can. Service is the first step to the path of spirituality. Swami says, "Service broadens your vision widens your awareness. Deepens your compassion. Service is divine - It makes life worthwhile. Service is greater than meditation. Sacrifice is sweeter than engagement..." (Quote: Divine Reflections)
Let us start by changing ourselves and seeing God and Good in everyone. Have faith and see Swami in everyone. Let us engage ourselves in Seva as Swami says "Be of service to others, for that is giving yourself to Me. For whatever you give, I will repay you thrice, Nay I shall repay you ten-fold. Try Me and you will see."
Let us spread the message of Swami's love and let us make him proud as He is the Ultimate teacher and in our lifetime there will be no teachings that will ever be more valuable than His teachings.
Bro Tushar Wadhwani
Group 4 |