Friday, Mar 14 2025
- 22 SEPTEMBER 2003
Being a vegetarian basically means not eating meat.
You may perhaps wonder, if it is difficult being a vegetarian.
My answer is: Being a vegetarian is as easy or as difficult
as you choose to make it. It all depends on you, and
you alone.
People often say that vegetarians lack nutrients that
can be found in meat such as protein, calcium or iron.
This, I can assure you, is just a misconception. Protein
can be found in many common foods such as tofu, nuts,
lentils and the list goes on and on. After all, Swami
says “There is enough protein found in wheat,
curds and dhal so why all this killing?”
What about eggs? Swami considers eggs as non-vegetarian
and we should avoid them as well. Did u know that bananas
can be used as a substitute for eggs for baking? and
I’m sure everyone will agree that vegetarian cakes
are scrumptious!
As for calcium, milk is not the only source. Broccoli
and fortified soya milk also contain calcium. Therefore,
with regards to nutrition, we have seen that it IS possible
to avoid eating meat and still sustain and replenish
the nutrients in our body with a vegetarian diet.
Research has shown that the human body is more suited
for a vegetarian diet. One example is the length of
one’s intestines. Meat eating animals have very
short intestines but we have longer intestines like
other plant-eating animals. Another example is our teeth.
Meat eating animals all have carnivore teeth that are
very sharp to help in tearing meat into small pieces.
However, humans only have very few.
Why go vegetarian? Is that what you’re thinking?
Well, are you aware of the terrifying treatment of these
defenseless creatures are put through before reaching
our dinner plates? An organization called P.E.T.A -
[People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals] did an
undercover study on this and produced a documentary
for the benefit of others. I was fortunate enough to
be able to watch this documentary during one of the
EHV lessons very recently. The documentary was titled
“Meet Your Meat”. I was shocked at the sight
of how these loving animals were treated. I couldn’t
help but feel tears rolling down my face. The tape displayed
the negative conditions these animals were kept in and
the horrific treatment they received, just to merely
satisfy our tongue’s desires.
Now, tell me honestly, is all this suffering these
beautiful creatures of God go through really necessary?
Is such treatment justified just to satisfy our tongues?
I’m sure we can survive without meat? Can’t
we? In my opinion, eating animals is like a cannibal
eating us.
In fact, imagine that you have accidentally cut yourself
with a blade. How do you feel? Would you be able to
control the pain? Think about it, for these animals,
it is not only their fingers that are cut, it is much
more! The pain they go through must be unbearable! Why
should we put them through that pain? It is in our hands,
we can help them!
Personally, I’m very fortunate to be born into
a vegetarian family. I’m grateful to my parents
for guiding me and showing me as living examples that
being a vegetarian is the ideal way of life.
Our Divine Mother Swami, on His 69th birthday 9 years
ago asked us for only 3 things. Just three. 3 things
for His Birthday that would in the end benefit not Him.
It would benefit us and all of mankind. He said, as
an offering to Him on His Birthday, we should give up
eating meat, give up consuming alcohol, and not participate
in any form of gambling. Now, as followers of Sai, it
is our duty to follow the teachings of Sai. Surely,
we have enough faith and devotion to give to Swami what
He asked for as His Birthday gift! Let us stop eating
meat and become vegetarians! Let us give love and not
pain to these loving creatures!
Swami has also said the food that we eat will determine
our thoughts and behaviour. If we eat meat, we will
think, talk and act with animal-like tendencies. Be
eating meat we will completely ignore his teachings
of Ahimsa, Non-Violence. We will also be creating a
lot of negative karma for ourselves!
Swami says “"Meat eating promotes animal
qualities. It has been well said that the food one consumes
determines one’s thoughts. By caring the flesh
of various animals, the qualities of these animals are
imbibed. How sinful is it to feed on animals, which
are sustained by the same five elements as human beings!
These lead to demonic tendencies, besides committing
the sin of inflicting cruelty on animals. Hence, those
who genuinely seek to become devotees of GOD have to
give up non-vegetarian food."
With Swami’s Grace, I desire to be a veterinarian.
Now tell me, who ever heard of a vet who saves and heals
some kinds of animals but eats other kinds of animals?
Jai Sai Ram
Sis Nikita K
SSEHV Group 4