Friday, Mar 14 2025
Meditation - 31 May 2004
My humble pranams at the Divine Lotus Feet of Swami.
Sai Ram uncles, aunties, brothers and sisters. I am
Bro Devesh from Group 4. My topic for today is ‘Light
I am sure that many of you are aware of light meditation.
But what is light meditation? Firstly, we must all be
aware that light meditation is a method strongly recommended
by Swami. It promotes inner peace of mind and makes
us more aware of our inner self, which is the Atma.
Why practice light meditation you may ask? It has been
proven that It improves your memory power and reflex
ability. It enables one to be compassionate, understanding
and responsible whilst remaining free from worry, fear,
anger and other disturbing influences.
From my personal experience, light meditation is very
beneficial. It has helped me especially when I have
a load of things to remember for my examinations. I
now do light meditation more frequently thanks to the
advice of my gurus.
How do I practice light meditation? Many of you are
familiar with the technique from our weekly meditation
after bhajans. But how many of us actually practice
on a daily basis? Swami’s 1st Code of Conduct
is ‘Daily Meditation & Prayer’.
It is very hard to persuade everyone to do light meditation,
and especially difficult for youths (coming from personal
experience). One technique for you to have a kick-start
is to try and do it at least once a week in the beginning.
With your effort and Swami’s Grace, you will slowly
increase it to 2,3,4,5 times a week until you do it
Finally I would like to share with you a quote from
Swami on light meditation. “Since the light illumines
the senses everyday so deeply and systematically, a
time will come when you will no more relish dark and
evil sights, crave for harmful food or dink, or approach
places of ill fame and injury. For Light is God and
God is Light
Thank you.
Jai Sai Ram
Bro Devesh
Group 4