Saturday, Sep 14 2024
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Seva Education Youth Bhajans Spiritual Parents
EDUCATION (New Messages displayed first) "The sign of a person who has had an "education" is good manners" "True education consists in the cultivation of the heart." "If a pupil has a vice, he alone suffers from it. But if a teacher has a vice, thousands are polluted." "All degrees, scholarships and punditry have no value if one does not have good qualities. Cultivate virtues." "The father and mother must supplement at home the training given by the teacher at school." "Education must result in humility. Humility is the best credential for success in life." "Character is the most precious gift of education." "Education should serve to enlarge the vision and broaden the outlook of the people." "Education must result in purifying one&8217;s perceptions. It has to develop and coordinate moral and spiritual urges and ensure good character." "In my view, the cultivation of Human Values alone is Education. Whoever tries to understand the human values Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love and Non-Violence properly, who practises these values and propagate them with zeal and sincerity alone can be described as a truly educated person." "Any education which is devoid of spirituality cannot be called education." "Of all types of knowledge and education, spiritual education and spiritual knowledge is the highest and most superior one." "Education should fit a person for life, not just for making a living. It should produce men and women of character and integrity, at the same time as it imparts the necessary knowledge and skills. An ability to discriminate between right and wrong, good and bad, is the true mark of a man." "Spiritual education is not a separate and distinct discipline. It is part and parcel of all types and levels of education."